VESPAS and other motor scooters are a fun and economical way to travel. Unfortunately, riding them in traffic can be dangerous because much larger vehicles often pose a threat to people on VESPA scooters. If a car drives recklessly, a person riding a motor scooter can become seriously hurt.

When you have sustained an injury from a VESPA/motor scooter accident in Sarasota, you must contact a skilled motorcycle accident attorney from Dannheisser Injury Law for help pursuing a claim. It is common for people to sustain injuries ranging from broken bones to paralysis, and having caring and compassionate guidance from a diligent lawyer who can advocate for you is imperative.

Categorizing Motor Scooters With Motorcycles

Some states have different laws for motor scooters and motorcycles, but Florida does not differentiate. Motor scooters with more than two brake horsepower (BHP) are treated like motorcycles under Florida Statutes Chapter 322. Electric scooters, bikes, and mopeds, limited to two BHP or less, are not in the same category.

Scooter owners have duties to follow the law in Sarasota to avoid accidents, and some of those laws include:

  • Staying out of bicycle lanes or on sidewalks
  • Wearing a helmets if a rider is younger than 16
  • Applying for a Florida driver’s license or “motorcycle only” license

When motorists harm those riding scooters, an experienced attorney should review the evidence to determine whether the motorists were careless or reckless. When they are, the practiced attorneys at Dannheisser Injury Law will work diligently to help a person win just compensation for their damages sustained in a Sarasota VESPA motor scooter accident.

Understanding Insurance and Comparative Negligence

Although scooter riders are encouraged to carry accident insurance, they are not required to. Florida’s motorist insurance system requires them to submit claims to their insurers under the state’s no-fault system. This means an injured scooter rider must rely on a knowledgeable attorney to negotiate a settlement if the rider is uninsured. Or, in the case of our lawyers, litigate if negotiations are unacceptable.

Under Florida’s comparative negligence doctrine, revised in 2023, scooter riders who contribute to the collision, because they acted below the standard of a reasonable rider can still collect a settlement or damages award if they are not more than 50 percent responsible for the accident. All damages awarded by a jury are reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to the scooter rider in the event of a Sarasota accident.

Call a Sarasota Attorney For Help After Your Vespa/Motor Scooter Accident Today

When you have been hurt in a VESPA or motor scooter accident in Sarasota due to a negligent driver, our tenacious attorneys can help you. At Dannheisser Injury Law, we have a successful, decades-long track record of recovering damages for our clients by painstakingly building airtight cases for compensation, including enlisting top-of-the-food-chain expert witnesses if needed.

Contact our firm today for an initial consultation with our skilled legal team.

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